●A4判 158ページ
また本書には資料編として蚊の分類,生態や吸血嗜好性に関して付表1-4にまとめた.さらに,水田が検疫所内部資料として作成した初心者のための日本産蚊科幼虫の検索図(日本語版)を掲載し,PDF版を QRコードから読み取りができるようにした.
How to read this book
This book is considered a sister volume to “The Natural History of Mosquitoes in the Ryukyu Archipelago” by Miyagi and Toma (2017), published by Tokai University Press. Videos and photos of mosquitoes’ blood-sucking, larval swimming, and feeding behaviors, which can be seen all around us, were taken from time to time both inside and outside the laboratory. Using editing software, artificial intelligence, and background music, we edited videos and photos taken from time to time of the blood-sucking behavior, larval swimming, and predatory behavior of mosquitoes that we see all around us into 23 videos (Japanese and English versions). Explanations have been added, and the videos can be viewed by scanning the QR code with a smartphone or other device. Important information on mosquito classification, ecology, and blood-sucking preferences has been compiled in Appendices 1-4. In addition, a new illustrated key table (Japanese version only) of Japanese mosquito larvae for beginners, which Mizuta created as internal documentation for the quarantine station, has been added and can be read using the QR code. We would like readers of this book to first read the concluding remarks in the main text and then watch the videos. All videos can be viewed using QR codes, and it will take 2 hours and 30 minutes to watch them all. If you don’t have much time, you can start by watching a video that interests you. After watching the video, please read the conclusion of the main text again. Alternatively, you could read the conclusion of the main text first, and then watch the video that interests you.
蚊と言えば人の血を吸い,マラリアやデング熱などの伝染病を媒介する嫌なことばかりをイメージするだろう.蚊は主として医学,公衆衛生学分野の研究対象となり,病原媒介に関係する限られた蚊の成虫の生態や分類の研究が古くから盛んに行われてきた(栗原,2013).双翅目(ハエ目)昆虫の中では蚊科(Culicidae)は最もよく研究されたグループと言える(Tanaka et al., 1979;田中,2014;宮城・當間,2017;上村,2016,2017;津田,2019).しかし,現在我が国に生息する124種の蚊の多くは病原媒介とは関係がなく野山に生息し,野生動物の血を吸って繁殖している.全く血を吸わない蚊もおり,生態がまだ良くわからない種も多い.蚊は生涯を通して生息する環境範囲,ニッチ(niche)は陸圏と水圏で,多種多様の特徴は成虫だけでなく,すべての発育期(蛹,幼虫)の形態,生態(行動)にも見られる.
蚊の幼虫・ボウフラは何をどのようにして食べているの? 血を吸わない蚊ってどんな蚊? 蚊の雄は血を吸わないと聞いたが,何を食べているの? 蚊の祖先は?など, 身近な蚊に関する疑問は多い.これらの質問に対する回答は近年発行されている蚊に関する参考書(Clements,1992;池庄司,1993;茂木,1999;宮城, 2002;三條場ら,2019;一盛, 2021;Wilkerson et al, 2021)や最近ではネットで簡単に調べることができる.しかし, その回答を一読し,写真を見ただけでは実態は理解しにくい.著者(宮城)も蚊の研究を始めた当時,国内外の著名な蚊の文献やテキストにより蚊を同定し,ボウフラの摂食行動や成虫の交尾行動の記述に繰り返し目を通し,すでに理解したと思い込んでいた.しかし,読み違いが多く,撮影した動画を繰り返し見ることによりはじめて実態がよく見え,上記の文献やテキストに記述されている行動が理解できた.
動画一覧(略題) /Video list (Abbreviation titles)
PDF 初心者のための日本産蚊科幼虫の検索図
Mosquito behavior on video - an introduction
Points to keep in mind when filming and editing the video
この本の見方 How to read this book
第1章 動画を見る前に知っておきたい蚊の基本的な形態および生態
Chapter 1. Basic information about mosquito morphology and biology that you should know before watching the video
Mosquito fauna of the Ryukyu Archipelago
Life history of mosquitoes
Morphological characteristics of Culicidae and sister family Corethrellidae
第2章 動画で見る蚊の不思議な生態
Chapter 2. Amazing biology of mosquitoes on video
1.ネッタイイエカの生活史(動画 1J)
Life history of Culex quinquefasciatus (Video 1E )
2.人の環境に適応したヒトスジシマカ(動画 2J)
An aggressive day-time biter Aedes albopictus (Video 2E)
3.水表面で摂食するシナハマダラカの幼虫(動画 3J)
Feeding habit of Anopheles sinensis larva (Video 3E)
4.オキナワヤブカ幼虫の摂食方法 (動画 4J)
Feeding mode of Aedes o. okinawanus larvae (Video 4E)
5.岩礁の塩水溜まりに多発するトウゴウヤブカ (動画5J)
Tidal brackish water pool breeder, Aedes togoi (Video 5E)
6.緑藻・アオミドロを裁断し, 摂食するカラツイエカの幼虫(動画 6J)
Culex bitaeniorhynchus larvae, habitual shredder of Spirogyra algae (Video 6E)
7.ミナミハマダライエカ幼虫,収集濾過法と緑藻を裁断法で摂食(動画 7J)
Culex mimeticus employing two feeding modes: Collecting-filtering and shredding-like modes (Video 7E)
8.ミナミハマダライエカとカラツイエカ幼虫のアオミドロ摂食方法の比較(動画 8J)
Comparison of feeding habits of Culex mimeticus and Culex bitaeniorhynchus larvae (Video 8E)
9.湿地性植物の根に付着し,呼吸するアシマダラヌマカの幼虫(動画 9J)
Mansonia uniformis larva attached to water plant (Video 9E)
Movements of the larvae and pupae of Mansonia uniformis and ideas for video recording of their behaviors (H. Mizuta)
10.汚水溜まりを浄化するお掃除屋さん, オオクロヤブカの幼虫(動画 10J)
Armigeres larva, decomposer in polluted water pools (Video 10E)
11.ヤンバルギンモンカ の生態 I. 竹の節間の水溜まりに生息する幼虫 (動11J)
Biology of Topomyia yanbarensis 1. Breeding in small pools of the bamboo internodes (Video 11E)
12.ヤンバルギンモンカの生態 II. 交尾行動(動画 12J)
Biology of Topomyia yanbarensis 2. Mating habit (Video 12E)
13.ヤンバルギンモンカの生態 III.産卵行動 (動画 13J)
Biology of Topomyia yanbarensis 3. Oviposition behavior (Video 13E)
14.ヤンバルギンモンカの生態 IV. 幼虫の摂食行動 (動画 14J)
Biology of Topomyia yanbarensis 4. Feeding behavior of larva (Video 14E)
Laboratory colonization of Topomyia yanbarensis (T. Okazawa)
15.トラフカクイカ幼虫の捕食 -餌食の奪い合い-(動画 15J)
Predators, Lutzia vorax larvae: Battle for prey, Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae (Video 15E)
16 .樹洞の水溜まりでユスリカの幼虫を捕食するヤエヤマオオカ(動画 16J)
Toxorhynchites m. yaeyamae preying on Chironomid larvae (Video 16E)
17.沖縄島北部の森林内で人の血を好んで吸うオオハマハマダラカ(動画 17J)
Anopheles saperoi prefers to feed on human blood in the forest of the northern part of Okinawajima (Video 17E)
18.西表島に生息する特産種クロフトオヤブカの特異な交尾行動 (動画 18J)
Peculiar mating behavior of Verrallina iriomotensis, an endemic mosquito of Iriomotejima(Video 18E)
19.マングローブ林内で魚の血を吸うカニアナヤブカの生態(動画 19J)
Aedes baisasi feeding on the mudskipper, Periophthalmus argentilineatus in the mangrove forest (Video 19E)
20.カエルの鳴き声に誘引されるチスイケヨソイカとチビカ (動画 20J)
Corethrella biting midges and Uranotaenia mosquitoes attracted to frog calls (Video 20E)
●蚊の起源 (比嘉由紀子) Origin of the mosquitoes (Y. Higa)
-パプアニューギニアでのカギカMalaya leeiとの出会い- (動画 21J)
Feeding habits of myrmecophilous Malaya leei encountered at Papua New Guinea (Video 21E)
22.いろいろな動物の血を吸う蚊 -蚊の吸血嗜好性-(動画 22J)
Food preference of mosquitoes: Blood-feeding female mosquitoes obtain their blood-meals from a wide variety of hosts (Video 22E)
Blood-sucking preferences of mosquitoes in the Ryukyu Archipelago (T. Toma)
23.蚊幼虫の基本的な摂食法: 収集濾過法と収集かじり取り法 (動画 23J)
The feeding modes commonly used by mosquito larvae: Collecting-filtering mode and Collecting-gathering mode (Video 23E)
Fun and usefulness of observing the feeding behavior of mosquito larvae (I. Miyagi)
第3章 初心者のための日本産蚊科幼虫の検索図(主として4齢幼虫)
付表 Appendix
1. 日本で生息の記録がある蚊124種の種名と学名
Japanese and scientific names of 124 mosquito species recored from Japan
2. 琉球列島で生息の記録がある蚊とその地理的分布
Geographical distribution of mosquitoes recorded from the Ryukyu Archipelago
3. 琉球列島で生息が記録された蚊の生息水域
Mosquito habitats recored from the Ryukyu Archipelago
4. 琉球列島産蚊の吸血源動物
Blood-sucking sources of mosquitoes recorded from the Ryukyu Archipelago
引用文献 References
おわりに Epilogue
索引 Index
著者紹介 Authors
宮城一郎 (みやぎ いちろう)
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所助手, 琉球大学医学部教 授を経て,現在,同大学名誉教授
當間孝子(とうま たかこ)
岡澤 孝雄(おかざわ たかお)
佐賀医科大学医学部助手,金沢大学医学部講師,留学生センター教授を経て,現在,同大学名誉教授,金沢大学国際感染症制御学 協力研究員
水田英生(みずた ひでお)
比嘉由紀子 (ひが ゆきこ)
Ichiro Miyagi
Doctor Course, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University,Ph. D. (Hokkaido University),Assistant Professor, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University,Professor, Faculty of
Medicine, University of the Ryukyus,Professor Emeritus, University of the Ryukyus. Collaborative Researcher, University of the Ryukyus Museum (Fujukan).
Specialty Field: Entomology, Medical Zoology
Takako Toma
Graduate Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus (BSc)
Ph. D. (Kagoshima University).Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus.Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus.Collaborative Researcher, University of the Ryukyus Museum (Fujukan) .
Specialty Field: Medical Zoology
Takao Okazawa
Doctor Course, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University , Ph. D. (Hokkaido University).
Assistant Professor, Saga Medical University
Lecturer, Kanazawa University.Professor, International Student Center, Kanazawa University.
Collaborative Researcher, Kanazawa University.
Specialty Field: Medical Zoology
Hideo Mizuta
Master Course, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University,M. Veterinary Medicine (Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University) .
Specialist, Kobe Quarantine Station, Ministry of Health and Welfare,Chief, Health Division, Kansai Airport Quaratine Station, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,Deputy Director, Osaka Quarantine Station, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,Instructor, Training on quarantine pest animals for quarantine station sanitary technicians.
Specialty Field: Medical Zoology
Yukiko Higa
Doctor Course, Graduate School of School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University,Ph. D. (Nagasaki University).
Assistant Professor, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University.
Head, Taxonomy and Ecology Section, Department of Medical Insect Science, National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
Specialty Field: Medical Zoology